Schools Out Camp

School year camps are designed for children ages 5-14.  Children will be placed in age appropriate groups for activities (5-6, 7-8, 9-12).  Activities will include games, sports, crafts, and fun!  Field trips are listed on agendas and provided in camp fee.  All snacks are provided by KEVA. We ask that you pack a nutritious lunch for your child (microwave/fridge is available).

Membership is required for ALL participants. Questions? Contact Us


Camp Information:



5-14 years old

Group Sizes: (the same children and staff stay together)

5/6yr olds = 12:1 ratio

All other ages = 15:1 ratio

Discounts Available:

Full week Early Bird**: $30 off.

Sibling discount: First child registered at full price, each additional sibling receives $10 off per day that they’re registered with a sibling.

*Late pickups are subject to a an Additional Child Care Fee that is charged per minute past 5pm.

**Early Bird discount only apply to full week purchases. Single day purchases are $90 per day regardless of registration date.


Early-Bird Deadline
January 20th


12/7 $68.00 Early Bird! Increases to $83.00 after 12/7
March 24-28, 2025

Coming Soon

3/3/2025 $68.00 Early Bird! Increases to $83.00 after 3/3/25 (Must register for full week to receive Early Bird Discount)

*Lunch required by adult/parent (KEVA does NOT provide lunches)