- What is a Membership?
- A Membership is something that all players are required to have to participate in KEVA Sports Center leagues, classes and camps. Upon completion of a waiver and paying a membership fee, each player’s contact information and photo is entered into our system and a Membership is issued.
- What is the cost of a Membership?
- The current annual fee is $35 per player for an individual Membership/ $45 family (memberships include sales tax).
A Family membership is as described:This membership option can consist of One adult, their significant other and any of their children under the age of 18yrs old in their guardianship.A family membership should not contain more than 2 adults”
- Who needs a Membership?
- All players and participants of any league, class, or camp administered by KEVA. Each player or participant will be required to have a valid Membership before being allowed to participate, and the Membership must be current until the program/session is over.
- What is the membership keytag and what do I do with it?
- When you purchase a membership you have the option to receive a keytag with a barcode on it. This keytag can make membership checks and Member Play entry fast and easy. We recommend that all adults registered in our programs pick a keytag up at the front desk. Youth programs are monitored using alternative methods, and so checking in with a keytag is not as necessary as it is with adult programs. We keep a barcode scanner at the front desk and when required, scanning the barcode can allow you to check in in seconds. Members can alternatively check in by speaking with a staff member, however, this process takes longer, especially if there is a line or the staff member is on the phone.
- When do I need to have a Membership?
- A Membership is required for ALL leagues, classes, camps before the first day of the program. You will be prompted to purchase a membership if your membership is not valid or expires prior to the completion of the program and must be purchased to resolve the registration.
- When does my Membership expire?
- Your Membership is valid for 12 months starting on the date of issue. If you are renewing a membership before your current membership expires, the new membership will begin only after the current membership expires, so you will not lose out on any time by purchasing a new membership early.
- How do I purchase a Membership?
- Memberships can be purchased using your online account (fastest and easiest way), in person at KEVA, or over the phone. Players will not be allowed to play without a valid Membership. It is best to purchase your membership before arriving at your first game, class, or camp to avoid delays. If you wait until arriving for your first program to purchase your membership, you risk waiting in line with others also purchasing at that time and may result in being late to your program.
- I have been a loyal player for years… will you waive the Membership fee for me?
- Thank you for your loyalty. The Membership fee takes the place of a portion of program price increases and is required for ALL players. When all costs are calculated throughout the year, the per-season fees combined with the membership fee actually costs loyal, multi-season players much less annually than larger company-wide program price increases would. These increases are a necessary part of product pricing models and a natural response to increasing costs/inflation. Using this pricing model rewards our loyal and consistent customers with a lower average price, which is exactly the intention of this pricing model.
- Are there other benefits of having a KEVA Sports Membership?
- Yes. Free Open Play, Member-Only Events, discounts on birthdays, rentals, and tournaments are all included. Discounts and specials from our sponsors will also be offered periodically.
- What if a company or business pays for our league fee, or our team only plays one season per year? Do we still need a Membership?
- Yes. Every player is required to have a valid Membership.
- Can I get a refund on my Membership or transfer it to someone else’s name?
- Refunds are typically not issued for memberships. An exception to this is when a program is cancelled due to low enrollment and a membership was purchased for that program alone. The cost of the membership would be included in the refund if no alternative program was found as a suitable replacement. If the membership was purchased for an alternative program previously or if it was used for activities such as member play, the membership would not be included in the refund for the program cancelled due to low enrollment.
At no time is a membership transferrable to another individual.
Thank you for your support and for choosing KEVA Sports Center!